How to Ace your First Job

By Valerie Tan, 05 January 2018 704

Congratulations! You rocked the interview and landed your first job but the real test begins now. From figuring out what to wear, to learning the ropes at your job, making a stellar first impression on the people you meet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, stepping into the workforce for the first time can be daunting. To help you kick start your career and thrive as a young working adult, here are some tips that you may find useful:

1.   Dress to impress

Unfortunately, appearances matter and it takes a mere couple of seconds to make an impression. Your wardrobe choices are of utmost importance so start off on the right foot with an impeccable outfit. Your gut reaction may be to go out and splurge on a snazzy new one but that could well be the wrong approach. You'd have to deal with tons of newness on your first day, so ditch that thought and go with an existing outfit that fits the bill. You won't want to limp around the office with blisters from your new shoes or be fidgeting because of an uncomfortable shirt. As long as you’re comfortable in your own skin, we promise you'll still look on fleek. Bonus points if you set your work wardrobe out the night before.

2.    Build successful habits

Leave your home ahead of schedule and be the early bird so that you'll have enough buffer time for surprise traffic jams and an extra swipe of lipstick. Arriving for work early is a display of respect for other’s time and also allows you to build trust with coworkers, showing that you are reliable and dependable.  Anticipate needs and volunteer for extra responsibility too. It's beneficial to expand your scope of work to aid in your understanding of the company and to gain greater insight into processes and business functions, which is great for your professional growth.

3.  Cultivate healthy working relationships

Don't forget to build your office network and develop relationships outside your division – meet and greet everyone! Weave yourself into the fabric of the company culture but be aware of the social environment to avoid potential conflicts. Having healthy working relationships within and between departments can increase your job engagement, leading to higher performance. Take note of everyone's preferred method of communication - Tailor your communication style to fit each colleague to bring across your message in the best way possible. Take time to build relationships – taking a quick 5 minutes to catch up with a colleague at the start of the day, or arranging for a coffee break can go a long way in building the foundations of relationships. Show appreciation – everyone wants to feel that their work is valued. Showing genuine appreciation for the things others do will also open opportunities for great working relationships.

4.  Ask questions and invite feedback

You may be the newbie but don't sit in silence. Be engaged, ask questions and contribute to discussions. Have your uncertainties clarified before you embark on your task, it confirms that you've read through the task requirements and identified potential areas of concern. If you coast through your first job like a passive sponge, we're certain that you're not going to get much significant learnings. Also, invite feedback and ask your boss for opinions. Evaluation is difficult but hear us out: it's an excellent opportunity for job growth and success.

5. Be active

Working in an office involves a lot of sitting and may be tiring, so be good to yourself and embark on a suitable exercise regime. Sign up for a yoga class or join a weekly running club that your company offers. This way you can maintain an optimal level of physical fitness. At the same time, getting your adrenaline pumping could also re-charged your mind which not only sharpens your focus at work but also alleviates stress.

6. Be financially savvy

Keep your expenses in check and give each dollar you earn a direction by planning how to grow your money. You can kick start your disciplined savings with Income's RevoSave, easily available online. With RevoSave, you’re able to start small at a savings level you are comfortable with and choose a suitable duration from the wide choices of premium terms available. You’ll also be able to enjoy liquidity in terms of yearly cash benefits - you can choose to spend your annual cash benefit (equivalent to 5% of your sum assured), or accumulate it with Income. This affordable savings plan also provides protection against death and total and permanent disability (TPD before age 70) giving you a peace of mind. In terms of money matters, find out what works for you based on your lifestyle and financial ability.

Ace your first job with our career hacks and remember: the future is open. As Bradley Whitford said, “Take action. Every story you've ever connected with, every leader you've ever admired, every puny little thing that you've ever accomplished is the result of taking action. You have a choice. You can either be a passive victim of circumstance or you can be the active hero of your own life.”

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