10 Reasons Why Getting A Retirement Plan Could Be The Best Selfish Thing You Do For Yourself

By Stefanie Yeo, 14 December 2017 13339

You've spent your life doing things for others. If there’s just one thing you do for yourself, one selfish thing that's all yours, it’s getting yourself a retirement plan. The passive income from your retirement plan buys you time to enjoy all life has to offer, and it gives you an opportunity to #treatyourself. Here are 10 reasons why getting a retirement plan could be the best thing you ever do for yourself. 

1.      Take that trip to Central America you've always wanted to do

We all have our dream destinations, places that we visit through obsessive Googling, travelogue-watching, and photos on Instagram. These are often far-flung places that cost a small fortune to holiday in, but hey, it's a dream for a reason, right?

Well, dream no more. Use the money you set aside in your retirement plan all those years ago, and book those plane tickets now. Your sojourn to Central America awaits, and now that you're all retired, there's nothing holding you back. 

2.      Have an entire case of your favourite champagne

"Everything in moderation" is an age-old maxim, but let's face it – sometimes, you just want to go all out and have fun. When better than your retirement to really let your hair down? Take the time to really enjoy the finer things in life.

For example, why have a glass of delicious champagne when you can buy the whole case and take it home with you, ready to be popped whenever you feel like it? Nobody can stop you now.

3.      Be a Lord (or Lady)!

Retirement is a time where the seemingly outrageous dreams you had in your teens can make a comeback. The difference is, you now have the power to make them come true. If you've ever wanted to be a member of the nobility, this is your chance – you can purchase a title, and become the Lord or Lady of wherever.

There are lots of places where you can do this, such as through The Manorial Society of Great Britain but be warned – scams abound, so be sure to get your lawyer on hand to make sure you're getting the real deal. Check out this article to find out more.

4.      Never have to tolerate the Singapore heat ever again

If our 30-degree weather and 90% humidity have been the bane of your existence, this is the chance for you to never have to deal with it ever again. You probably muttered about immigrating to somewhere cold a lot, but never could do anything about it, what with your job, kids, family, and all other obligations.

Well, your kids have now flown the coop and your retired life stretches out ahead in a sea of endless possibilities. It's time to make all that muttering a reality, and retire to a place where it's spring all the time. After all you've done, you totally deserve it.

Plus, your kids and grandkids now have an excuse to go holidaying in a cold country - to visit you in your new abode.

5.      Buy what you want when you want

The thing about life is that it's all about managing your needs and wants. For most of your life, you've often had to give up the latter for the former – or for the wants of others. You've probably had to give up on a lot of stuff in order to provide for your family… and now that you've retired, it's time to start thinking about you.

In your retirement, you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want. New handbag? Go for it. Fancy sous-vide machine? It's all yours. That motorised scooter thing all the young people have now? Sure, mate. It's your call now.

6.      Make your dream job a reality


We all have our dream job, but sadly not all of us were able to make that a reality. But now that you're no longer tied down by the need to earn money (because, hello retirement plan!), you can seize the opportunity to be what you've always wanted to be. Go to culinary school and learn how to be a master chef, or take some pottery classes to get back in touch with your inner artist.

There's nothing holding you back anymore, so seize the opportunity and make your retirement count!

7.      Be a minor league venture capitalist

If watching 'Shark Tank' gives you joy, and you've always been interested in all the new, innovative businesses that abound, here's a chance for you to get involved. Why not be a minor league venture capitalist? There are always loads of entrepreneurs looking for folks to support their endeavours, and you get to play a part in the growth of what could be the next Razer or Charles & Keith. Oh yeah.

8.      Go bird-watching

The thing about retirement is that you have lots of time, which means that you can do stuff that you never did before because it was just too time-consuming. Something like… bird-watching!

Get yourself a good pair of binoculars, find a good spot, and settle down to spot some flying friends. There are about 395 species of birds that can be spotted in Singapore, so bide your time – you might see something really exotic.

9.      While your day away at a café

Ever wondered what person has time to sit at a café all day? After retirement, my friend, that person is you! The great thing about being retired is that you are obligation-free, so this is your chance to take things slow and let life go by.

Whether you want to read a book, indulge in some sweet treats, or just people watch with a latte, chilling out at a café is a great plan.

10.  Financial worries are a distant concern


Here's the thing about a retirement plan – it literally buys you time. Seriously. With a retirement plan, you’ll have greater peace of mind over your financial situation, allowing you to focus on your priorities in life.

No more opening up your credit card bill and getting a mini-heart attack at the end of the month – with your finances all settled, you'll have one less weight on your shoulders and the peace of mind to really make the most of your retirement.

Make your retirement count!

Retirement should be all about you, treating yourself and giving yourself the time to really slow down and enjoy all that life has to offer. But of course, finding a retirement plan that meets your needs can be a little tricky.

Have a chat with an Income adviser or consult our digital adviser, askSage, to better prepare, so that you can have the retirement you deserve, whether you've got grand plans of safari adventures or a desire to just zen out and meditate.

You deserve the best, and there's no time like the present to set yourself on the right path to get it. 

