Ever wonder what is classified as a pre-existing medical condition?

By Income, 14 November 2017 14761


Traveling can be one of the greatest joys and can lead to some of the most eye opening experiences. But if you suffer from pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma, heart disease and diabetes, travelling can be made extra difficult and can feel like a gamble. This is especially the case since most insurers don’t cover claims related to pre-existing medical conditions. Only Income’s Enhanced PreX Travel Insurance plans include coverage for overseas medical expenses and trip inconveniences benefits (such as trip cancellation and trip disruption) for pre-existing medical conditions. Outlined here are a few pre-existing conditions that Income’s Travel Insurance covers and what patients should look out for the next time they’re traveling.


The risks: Because asthma is a chronic disease of the airways causing shortness of breath, coughing and chest tightness, you may think twice before travelling with this condition. The disease can be triggered by stress, increased physical activity, weather changes or airborne irritants. These factors can trigger textbook symptoms or even a asthma attack.
Income’s Travel tips: Always make sure that you bring more than enough medication before you travel. If your condition is triggered by allergies, you can call your airline or hotel in advance to let them know. If pollen is an issue for you, check the pollen forecast at the destination ahead of time so you can make any necessary changes.


The risks: Diabetes can be a complex disease, so understanding the risks is important. Long-distance travel can increase the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot that forms in the body. Deep vein thrombosis is caused by dehydration, coupled with fluctuation of blood glucose levels experienced by diabetics, leading to increased thickness of blood and decreased rate of blood flow. Both factors lead to an increase in chance of developing deep vein thrombosis. Both hot and cold climates can also greatly affect blood glucose levels.
Income’s Travel tips: Take more than enough medication with you and dress with appropriate clothing for the climate where you’re visiting. If you’re travelling with insulin, bring a cool bag and make sure to bring carbohydrate-heavy snacks with you.


The risks: Eczema is a skin condition where the skin can become very itchy, dry and inflamed. Because eczema is due to genetic and environmental triggers, the best you can do to manage your skin condition is to manage the environmental triggers. This is highly personalized and can include factors like exposure to certain chemicals, fragrances and food as well as stress, dry air, and weather changes.
Income’s Travel tips: If your eczema is exacerbated by food, make sure to bring your own food when you are on the plane. If your skin is sensitive to chemicals, you can also bring your own skin care products. If you’re taking medication for your eczema, bring more than enough for the duration of your trip.

Heart attack and stroke (heart disease)

The risks: Heart disease includes heart attack and stroke. These are often life-threatening, making the thought of travel frightening. Most risks are managed in the long term, but there are certain precautions you can take if you are travelling with heart disease. If you’re riding a plane for a long period of time, it’s important to move and stretch to move the blood in your system. Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.
Income’s Travel tips: Ensure that you have more than enough medication for the duration of your trip. If you have an irregular heartbeat or pacemaker carry a copy of your ECG. Pick an aisle seat on the plane so you can move your legs. If you suffer from deep vein thrombosis, wear compression stockings when on a plane for more than eight hours.


The risks: Because hypertension can increase in high altitudes, it’s essential to take proper precautions when traveling. On flights longer than two hours, those with hypertension can experience fluid retention, shortness of breath and blood clots.
Income’s Travel tips: Consult your doctor before you fly as you may need oxygen therapy before your trip. Stay away from foods that are high in sodium as well as alcohol and sedatives. Make sure to move around the plane to reduce the risk of blood clotting.
Although travelling with a pre-existing medical condition can be scary for some, you can still enjoy the joys of wanderlust by taking the right precautions and getting the travel insurance that suits your needs. If you suffer from any of these pre-existing medical conditions, it can be easier to put insurance on the back burner and hope for the best. But in the case that your condition flares up on your trip, your medical bills and travel expenses can really stack up. Income’s Enhanced PreX plans cover not only the diseases listed here, but also stress-saving aspects such as trip changes, modifications and cancellations as well as loss of bags, money and other personal items.

