Frequently Asked Questions

Plus Rider
  • Q:What is Plus Rider?


    This rider has been withdrawn for new applications as of 1 Mar 2019.
    Plus Rider covers the Deductible and Co-insurance parts of your IncomeShield plan. You will have coverage from the first dollar (subject to admission of ward class, benefit limits, exclusions and other policy terms).

  • Q:If I am currently covered under the Enhanced IncomeShield and Plus Rider, are there any cash benefits if the ward I am admitted to is lower than my entitled ward?


    You will enjoy a hospital cash benefit, if the ward you are admitted to is lower than your entitled ward.

    Enhanced IncomeShield PlanAdmitted wardHospital cash benefit (each day)
    PreferredRestructured Hospital Ward B1/B2/C$150
    PreferredRestructured Hospital Ward A$125
    AdvantageRestructured Hospital Ward B1/B2/C$100
    BasicRestructured Hospital Ward B2/C$75

    This hospital cash benefit will apply to the Enhanced IncomeShield plan only.

Assist Rider
  • Q:What is Assist Rider?


    This rider has been withdrawn for new applications as of 1 Mar 2019. Only downgrade from Plus Rider to Assist Rider for existing policyholders is allowed. With the Assist Rider, you will need to pay 10% of the benefits you are entitled to claim under your plan, subject to citizenship factor, pro-ration factor, limits of compensation. The amount that you need to co-pay will not be more than the amount stated in the table below.

    Maximum co-payment per policy year

    Preferred/Plan PAdvantage/Plan ABasic/ IncomeShield Standard Plan/Plan BEnhanced C/Plan C

    You can use your Medisave (subject to the maximum limit set by the government) to cover this co-payment.

  • Q:If I am currently covered under the Enhanced IncomeShield and Assist Rider, are there any cash benefits if the ward I am admitted to is lower than my entitled ward?


    You will enjoy a hospital cash benefit, if the ward you are admitted to is lower than your entitled ward.

    Enhanced IncomeShield PlanAdmitted WardHospital cash benefit (each day)
    PreferredRestructured Hospital Ward B1/B2/C$150
    PreferredRestructured Hospital Ward A$125
    AdvantageRestructured Hospital Ward B1/B2/C$100
    BasicRestructured Hospital Ward B2/C$75

    This hospital cash benefit will apply to the Enhanced IncomeShield plan only.

Daily Cash Rider
  • Q:What is Daily Cash Rider?


    This rider has been withdrawn for new applications as of 1 Mar 2019. Daily Cash Rider provides you with additional cash benefit for each day you are hospitalised, and a get-well benefit upon your discharge, based on the plan type you are insured under.

    Benefit TypePreferred/ Plan PAdvantage/ Plan ABasic/Enhanced C IncomeShield Standard Plan /Plan B/Plan C
    Daily cash benefit (each day)$150$100$50
    Get-well benefit$300$250$100
  • Q:For Daily Cash Rider, will benefits be payable for Day Surgery in a clinic?


    For Day Surgery, the Daily Cash benefit will be paid only if the surgery is done in a Restructured or Private Hospital in Singapore, with at least one day Room and Board charged.

  • Q:How long must I be hospitalised before I can claim for the get-well benefit?


    You must be hospitalised for at least 48 hours in order to claim for the get-well benefit. You must also survive the hospitalisation.

  • Q:What is the waiting period under the Daily Cash Rider?


    The waiting period is 30 days from the start date or the last reinstatement date (if any) of the Daily Cash Rider.

  • Q:Can I claim under the Daily Cash Rider if I am hospitalised overseas?


    You can claim under the Daily Cash Rider for hospitalisation in Singapore only.

  • Q:What are the benefits currently covered under IncomeShield but are excluded under the Daily Cash Rider?

    • Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment
    • Pregnancy Complication
    • Congenital Abnormalities
    • Emergency Overseas Treatment
  • Q:I am discharged and readmitted to the hospital on the same day, how much will be payable to me under the Daily Cash benefit for that day?


    The Daily Cash Rider will only pay for one day under the Daily Cash benefit.

  • Q:If I am hospitalised for two separate periods of 200 days each for the same illness/accident, would the maximum benefit limit of 365 days for the Daily Cash benefit apply?


    If you have been discharged from the hospital for a continuous period of more than 90 days, any subsequent hospitalisation for the same accident or illness from the same confirmed diagnosis will be treated as arising from a separate or different accident or illness.

    Scenario A: Your 1st hospitalisation is 200 days. After you get discharged, more than 90 days has passed before your 2nd hospitalisation of 200 days. The benefit payable will be 400 (200+200) days.

    Scenario B: Your 1st hospitalisation is 200 days. After you get discharged, 90 days or shorter has passed before your 2nd hospitalisation of 200 days. The benefit payable will be 365 (265 + 100) days.

    Note: Above examples do not apply to stay in community hospitals.

Child Illness Rider
  • Q:What is Child Illness Rider?


    This rider has been withdrawn for new applications as of 1 Mar 2019.
    Your child is insured for up to $20,000 for various covered child-related illnesses until they reach 25 years old. If your child fractures his/her skull, spine, pelvis or femur, due to an accident, you will receive 10% of the sum assured, up to a combined sum of 100% of the sum assured within a policy year.

  • Q:What is the waiting period under the Child Illness Rider?


    There is a 2 calendar month waiting period from the start date or the last reinstatement date (if any) of the Child Illness Rider, on the first diagnosis of the Child Illnesses covered (except for Leukaemia) or Accidental fracture of skull, spine, pelvis or femur. For Leukaemia, the waiting period is 3 calendar months from the start date or the last reinstatement date (if any) of the Child Illness Rider.